Home Page

in Otley

Diary of Events

Prayer Breakfast 

Lent Lunch Details  

Full list of Activities in all Churches

Proposed CTO Program for 2024 

Date Day Time Event Venue
3rd February Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast hosted by New Life at Parish Church
23rd February Friday 12.00 – 1.30pm Lent Lunch
CAFOD soup lunch
Catholic Parish Centre
(Grace Cowley from CAFOD)
2nd March Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Bridge Church
8th March Friday 12.00 – 1.30pm Lent Lunch Methodist Church
(Mark Atkins, Leeds Faith In Schools)
16th March Saturday   Raising of the Chevin Cross  
17th March Sunday    CTO Presentation in Churches tbc
22nd March Friday 12.00 – 1.30pm,  Lent Lunch Parish Church 
(Dwayne Hutchinson Lead for Racial Justice for the Leeds Church Institute)
31st March     Easter Sunday  
6th April Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Parish Church
13th April Saturday   Taking down of the Chevin Cross  
17th April Wednesday 12.00 – 1.30pm CTO Business Meeting Bridge Church. Lunch and meeting.
4th May Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Methodist Church
12-18 May     Christian Aid Week  
9th-19th May     Thy Kingdom Come  
1st June Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Catholic Parish Centre
19th June Wednesday 7.30 – 9.00pm CTO Business Meeting Parish Church
6th July Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast New Life, venue tbc
3rd August Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Bridge Church
7th September Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Parish Church
29th September Sunday 2.30pm Harvest Celebration/Songs of Praise and afternoon tea Bridge Church,
7th October Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Methodist Church
16th October Wednesday 7.00-9.00pm CTO AGM Catholic Parish Centre
2nd November Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast Catholic Parish Centre
November     Remembrance Service  
7th December Saturday 8.00 – 9.15am Prayer Breakfast hosted by New Life, venue tbc