Churches Together in Otley

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History of The Churches in Otley             contents page

Note: the detail below is from the 2002 edition
 of Otley Past Present and Future

Salvation Army


The basis of this movement came when its Founder William Booth was to leave the Primative Methodist group in 1865 to devote his work to the spiritual healing amongst the poor and deprived in the East End of London. He found little success in old methods hence assisted by his wife he established a quasi-military organisation in 1878.

In 1882 a band of three score soldiers ’invaded and captured’ Otley under the command of Major Cadman. A local command was established in an old leather factory by the pole. It was the 73rd corps led by Mr W Hodgson. Within a week the premises were converted into a barracks to accommodate 750. Three weeks later the building was destroyed by arson except for the ground floor which was saved by the fire service. In the 1870s the Methodist Chapel in Newmarket became vacant and in 1923 became the Salvation Army Citadel. The Jubilee year of 1935 saw the Commander in Chief ‘General Evangeline Booth’ pass through Otley. The newspaper reports tremendous crowds which slowed her passage, giving her an opportunity to speak to many people of Otley.

The suite of buildings was completely refurbished in 1995. In co-operation with other Christians, we seek to meet the needs of the local communities in a balanced programme of social and spiritual help.

To provide an open environment of open-hearted acceptance that will enable, support and nurture the spiritual growth and social well-being of all, regardless of age, sex, race, class or creed".